
Medical Services

Our Four Star veterinarians with aquaculture experience can diagnose health problems and develop treatment programs as needed.

Species-specific regulatory testing and disease certification

We perform regulatory testing, certify disease status, and provide Certificates of Veterinary Inspection for interstate and international shipments.

Diagnostic labs

We offer access to government veterinary diagnostic labs and other medical/regulatory facilities that are typically more affordable and convenient than private/for-profit labs.

USDA-approved distributor of aquaculture medication

We are an approved distributor of the only drug available for aquaculture producers to self-apply or top-dress with approval and VFD. We will work with aquaculture producers to create custom feed-treatment programs and veterinary feed directive options. Producers can then use the product in small batches themselves without the need to have large batches of feed custom mixed at a feed mill.  When appropriate, we also provide VFDs for medication of custom-formulated diets.

Sport and Recreational Fishing Management

Let us evaluate your body of water and provide a protocol for water, nutrition, and species control to maximize the quality, size, and quantity of desirable fish caught/harvested.  Specializing in Freshwater species such as large/smallmouth bass, all true sunfish species, black/white crappie, blue/channel/flathead catfish, common/grass carp, etc.
